2017 Canadian Chemical Directory
Whether you buy or sell chemicals, the 2017 Canadian Chemical Directory will put the industry at your fingertips. The latest edition of the Canadian Chemical Directory lists 605 chemical suppliers, 1,020 principal companies, more than 3,490 chemical products and 3,865 trade names. Feedstocks, chemicals, minerals, metals, resins, and drugs all in one volume.
Published by Camford Information Services – the leading provider of market information on Canada’s chemical industry.
Directory Orders:
Please call (416) 291-3215 or (905) 877-2073, email at directory@camfordinfo.com or print out the order form, Fax to (416) 291-3406
Price: $190.00, VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS accepted. ($160.00 for the second book, $140.00 for each additional book)